iPhone Backups Are Hidden Disk Space Hogs
iPhone Backups Are Hidden Disk Space Hogs Have you ever needed some emergency disk space? Do you need to find and remove the files that are bloating your hard drive? Well there certainly are tools that can help you identify large files on your hard drive. My favorite tool is …

iOS Restrictions – Control Your Kids Smart Device Use
iOS Restrictions – Control Your Kids Smart Device Use How many articles have you read in the past year that talks about some or other kid, almost bankrupting their parents with a sky high AppStore bill? It seems almost unreal, but it happens more times than not. And we aren’t …

Connect to iTunes to Use Push Notifications Message in iOS 7
If you’re getting an error on iOS 7 that says ‘Connect to iTunes to Use Push Notifications, you’re not the only one. Here is how you fix it.

How to make iTunes fireworks if you’re stuck at work
Just in time for the 4th of July, we thought we’d show you this neat trick for iTunes users. Do you use the program to listen to your music? Why not enjoy some fireworks while doing so!? Some people may be stuck at work. At least you won’t be missing …