
How to choose the right shutter speed [Infographic]

How to choose the right shutter speed

Photography can be a serious frustration for the newbie using a camera.

If you’re like me, the dials, bells and whistles on a ‘nice camera’ still confuse you. And if you are lucky enough to own a nicer camera than what you’d find on your cell phone, then you probably wish you knew how to use it the right way.

For instance, shooting in low-light for the first time can be difficult as heck. My images generally look like a burst of hellish yellow light. I still need to work on that.

Capturing Movement 

But if capturing movement is your game, then it’s important to know how to choose the right shutter speed on your camera.

Shutter speed is the time for which a shutter is open at a given setting. So the longer it’s open, the more light it lets in. That affects your picture (for good and for bad).

So if you want to capture a car zipping by you and have it in focus, that’s going to take some practice…and some knowledge of shutter speed.

If you really want to delve into the topic, there’s a great write-up by Darren Rowse of Digital Photography School.

But if you want a quick-and-dirty look at how it works and where how your shutter speed should be set, check out this great infographic from Mark Delong at

Good luck and happy shooting!


Bird Image: Photography Life

Josh Benson

Josh Benson

Josh is the Editor of and supreme geek to boot. He spends much of his time learning new software, coding languages, gadgets and more. He loves helping people figure out tech problems - big or small. Josh is a former television news anchor and tech reporter. He spends his days developing websites and producing videos.

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