Social Media

Save Instagram photos without posting

Save Instagram photos without posting

Millions of people love the ability to take pictures on the fly, add a filter and some edits and have it look like a professional photographer’s best work. But not every picture should be created for the world to see. How can you save Instagram photos without posting them? It’s possible, and the trick lies with Airline Mode.

Here’s how (click on an image for a bigger view):


Step 1. Click Settings > Turn ON Airplane Mode (shuts down cell/wi-fi).


Step 2. Take a picture or load an image from camera reel.


Step 3. Add your filter and other edits. Click Next.


Step 4. Click the green Share button.


Step 5. Upload will fail. Click X to delete file.


Step 6. Check your camera roll. There it is!

As you can see, it’s pretty easy.

[alert type=”Warning!” title=””]WARNING! Be sure to delete the images in queue BEFORE you turn Airplane Mode off or else your pictures will post. We’re assuming you don’t want that.[/alert]

But as you can see, this is a very easy workaround so you can take advantage of Instagram’s filters and features and save Instagram photos without posting them for the world to see! There may be other ways to do this, if so, please leave your comments below.

Josh Benson

Josh Benson

Josh is the Editor of and supreme geek to boot. He spends much of his time learning new software, coding languages, gadgets and more. He loves helping people figure out tech problems - big or small. Josh is a former television news anchor and tech reporter. He spends his days developing websites and producing videos.

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